We Understand What You Are Facing
At The Language Mind, we understand the challenges you face in learning English. Our well-trained instructors and specialized phonetics classes offer clear pathways, personalized guidance, and effective techniques. We provide a consistent schedule, engaging classes, and a supportive community to help you overcome these challenges and achieve your learning goals. With us, you will gain the skills and confidence to apply English in real-life situations, supported by constructive feedback and increased motivation. Join us and transform your English learning experience.
❌ Frustrated by mixed-up language skills (Mandarin & English), feeling stuck and unable to improve.
❌ Lost and overwhelmed by too much information, hard to start.
❌ Confused, wasting time on unimportant topics, missing crucial skills.
❌ Inconsistent progress, leading to frustration and slow improvement.
❌ Irregular study habits, forgetting what was learned, struggling to progress.
❌ Frustration from ineffective techniques, feeling like you’re not getting anywhere.
❌ Unmotivated and discouraged due to lack of progress.
❌ Not receiving constructive feedback, hard to know where to improve.
❌ Isolated and unsupported, struggling without peer interaction.
❌ Struggling to apply learning in real-life, leading to lack of confidence.
✅ Clear pathways with structured, step-by-step learning.
✅ Personalized guidance through tailored lessons.
✅ Consistent schedule with regular, reliable classes.
✅ Effective techniques ensuring efficient learning.
✅ Interactive and engaging classes.
✅ Supportive community to share and grow together.
✅ Constructive feedback to guide improvement.
✅ Increased motivation and encouragement.
✅ Supportive peer interaction and community.
✅ Practical application of skills in real-life situations.
Read how our students achieved their goals with us
我叫吴俊隆joel goh choon loong.我很开心可以在剑桥读到英文.这里的老师还有顾问都给了我很大的改变让我从一个不会说英文的人连基本的英文我也不是很会.但是在剑桥的老师和顾问的带领下我成功的学到了不少的英文.我以前是一个不是很会说英文也不是很会读英文字的人.有时候会给别人嘲笑有时候会给朋友们看不起.全部人都说这么简单的英文你都不会吗!所以有时候真的很自卑为什么这么简单的英文都不会.但是遇到了剑桥里面的老师和顾问让我找回了信心和自信.现在我身边的人都说我的英文已经进步了很多也很让他们大吃一惊.说真的以前满后悔为什么在中学的时候没好好读英文.但是已经过去了后悔也没用.虽然迟了点但是让我认识了剑桥里面的老师和顾问让我又重新振作的机会找回属于自己的自信也让我在英文有很大突破.所以我很感恩有老师和顾问们的陪伴真的感谢🙏.所以大家有英文不好的像我的都可以来剑桥!剑桥可以让你找回信心和自信!加油
我很高兴能选到剑桥语言中心,并且这家语言中心的价钱也十分合理。。。之前面对语法与语音上的困扰然而现在的语法与语音已有明显的进步,也学会了很多。。如今面对陌生的词也能解读出来了。 剑桥语言中心的职员都会关心和慰问学生们的进展。老师会以友善与耐心的态度进行讲解与教导。。。。
很棒的老师👍有耐心的讲解学生不明白的单词和不会的题。 我的grammar之前真的很差,完全不会区分也不知道什么时候该用什么grammar。上课过后已经在进步当中了。 除此之外,我的会话之前也不太好,因为我害怕发生错误所以不去说。但是我参加了会话班之后,开始慢慢恢复信心肯去说了。对我来说,是很大的进步。 学院方面也很优秀,肯给予机会和帮助我继续学习。
Why we are here
Established in March 2003, The Language Mind also known as Pusat Bahasa Titian Jaya Klang (PBTJ) is an educational provider specializing in educating both international and local students. As an international company, PBTJ aims to acquire breadth and depth of skills and knowledge to create an integrated education group with a comprehensive suite of capabilities and services that will be able to compete globally and at the same time meet the demanding needs of the clients.